Finish grading the last questions on your 6 weeks exam. The key is on the overhead cart.
You will experience the repeat exam tomorrow. Make sure you study. Expect to calculate growth, and doubling time (know these equations). Expect the answer choices to be scrambled.
Start with Chapter 14 quiz. Email me a screen shot of your score.
I took the day so I would be chewing on you again about assignments :-/
Today make sure you have completed:
- The Free Response over Biodiversity (good job Jorge, Kevin, Cruz, and Adams)
- The Prezi for trends of Urbanization which includes pictures of your neighborhood mapping assignment (ask Jaimes or Beal if you don't remember).
- Examining Tectonic Margins (the assignment from two days ago pg 316)
- NEW!!! Mapping Geological Hazards pg 315
Paula, Paula, number one.