Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Research Paper Specifics

Your assignment is to write a five page original research paper on the form of sustainable energy you think is most likely to replace nonrenewable energy.

I will be using technology to check the originality of your work. If a report shows copied material, I will return it to you, and you will penalized for lateness when you turn it again. Do it right the first time! Academic honesty is expected.

Standard MLA format includes:

1 inch margins
12 point font

You are required to have at least 3 sources:

One of them must be print.
One of them needs to be a primary source.

Here's the rubric I will use to score your paper.

Notice that there is a title page and bibliography. These are not part of the page count.

The paper grade will be a project grade. 

Homework research requirements will be daily grades, and need to include summaries of what was read along with the URL's.

I will start a discussion on Class Jump and you can add these things where everyone can see them, or email is fine if you prefer privacy.

There are lists of online library resources right by the classroom front door. You may want to snap a quick pic...I will tomorrow if I recall.

Good luck.

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