Read the case study about Chesapeake Bay page 52.
Create the following graphic organizer. We will use them for every case study.
Label '?' with the title of the case study. This should take 1/2 to a full page. Leave the sections big enough to fill in information.
Based on your reading:
1. Develop three ideas for additional research.
2. Explain how you would collect field data or conduct an experiment to test one of those three.
Discuss this is in a group of 4 or 5 students. Decide:
Which idea would you pursue as a group? Which idea will yield the most beneficial information or have the biggest impact. Be ready to present.
You will organize your notebook
by the Course Outline. There are 7 areas of study in AP Environmental Science. You can use folders or dividers to split the notebook up for content areas.
Where does today's case study fit in?
Chapter 3 sections 1 and 2
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