Thursday, December 11, 2014

Science Fair Research Summary Due Friday, December 12

A two page summary of research is due by Friday ouwith a complete, MLA formatted bibliography (works cited page). You can use Citation Machine to help. Your bibliography must include at least 3 sources, 1 print and 2 internet.

If you did not turn in a research proposal make sure your summary includes:


Experimental Design:
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Experiment Group
Control Group


Notes for Friday and Monday

1. Today's assignment is a brochure comparing Solar, Geothermal, and Hydropower. Make sure you compare grid-connected to stand-alone systems.

2. We will review for the semester exam Friday.

3. The test is on Monday.

4. We will work on the winter project (TINY HOUSE) on the Friday during your ACP time.

5. Your research summary is due tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tiny House Design Project


You will design a self-sustained tiny house that generates it's own electricity through alternative powers. This is an individual project. Due January 6th. It is your winter assignment

Your design plan should include:

1. Drawings with dimensions.   50 pts
2. Energy specifications for all appliances 50 pts
3. Energy generation capacity for alternative energy source (must meet the demands of your appliances) 50 pts
4. Cost estimates for tiny house project 50 pts
5. Prezi 25 pts
6. Two minute presentation of plans 25 pts.

Use Prezi to create a presentation of your plans. Be ready to share on Tuesday when we return from winter break. 

Cheapest Self-sustaining Tiny House - 25 points
Best Design with the smallest footprint - 25 points
Best Prezi - 25 points

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alternative Energy

(1)  A compact fluorescent bulb uses 10 watts and has a life expectancy of 10,000 hours.  How much energy and how much would it cost to use a compact fluorescent for 10,000 hours?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Chapter 20

(1)  An average incandescent light bulb has a life expectancy of 1,000 hours.  How much energy would a typical 100 watt bulb use in a lifetime, assuming it lasts for 1,000 hours?

At 8¢/kWh, how much would it cost over its lifetime?

Chapter 20 test due Friday

Practice Quiz

Sustainable Energy Powerpoint

Friday, December 5, 2014

Nuclear Waste Cost-Benefit

(1)  How much energy and how much money do you use to run your window air conditioner rated at 1000 watts continuously for the month of July (assume 8¢/kWh).

If you assume that coal was used to produce the electricity for your air conditioner, how much coal was burned to produce the electricity used?

How much CO2 was produced by the electricity used to run your air conditioner?


Radioactive isotopes are widely used in the field of medicine, in the generation of electricity, and in the military.  The use of radioactive isotopes has increased significantly over the past fifty years, leading to a corresponding increase in the amount of radioactive waste produced. The question of how to deal with radioactive waste is a topic of ongoing environmental concern.

(a)    Explain how the properties of low-level radioactive waste differ from those of high-level radioactive waste and how these properties lead to different storage requirements. For one of the two types of radioactive waste, give an example of a specific isotope that may be present in the waste, and explain how human activity generates the waste.