Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tiny House Design Project


You will design a self-sustained tiny house that generates it's own electricity through alternative powers. This is an individual project. Due January 6th. It is your winter assignment

Your design plan should include:

1. Drawings with dimensions.   50 pts
2. Energy specifications for all appliances 50 pts
3. Energy generation capacity for alternative energy source (must meet the demands of your appliances) 50 pts
4. Cost estimates for tiny house project 50 pts
5. Prezi 25 pts
6. Two minute presentation of plans 25 pts.

Use Prezi to create a presentation of your plans. Be ready to share on Tuesday when we return from winter break. 

Cheapest Self-sustaining Tiny House - 25 points
Best Design with the smallest footprint - 25 points
Best Prezi - 25 points

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